How to keep your Amazon account safe 

Although your  reviews are beautiful, Amazon sometimes deletes your newly written reviews, and seriously even deletes all your previous reviews. Why? Because your behavior is suspicious and unnatural, professional reviewers usually pay attention to small details when buying, so as to protect their account security

Here is a little guide, what you should respect and take care of, when you buy something and do reviews:
  • Make good reviews. Try to answer questions, that bothered you yourself before you bought it. Talk about special things, you noticed and help others to see clearer. Adding photos and videos is helpful in that point. Write reviews for the product you desire to have as it will show your interest in one niche like technology or cosmetics or home décor, among others. It will also create a mindset for other customers that you (as a reviewer) are genuine and knowledgeable about the product.

  • It looks more natural, if you don´t buy 100 things a day and write 100 reviews a day. Maximum 3-5 reviews a week, one or two days break and again two to three reviews. Amazon's smart detection is very powerful.Also, when you buy, you also need to take a moment to browse other similar products, try to simulate the real purchase process. If you don't want to put your account in a dangerous situation, you must make it natural and reasonable.

  •  When you buy something, always better to search the item with the keywords, rather than the link. Both, buyer and seller, take advantage from it. Usually when the seller cooperates with you, they will ask you to purchase the product according to their steps, which may be a little tedious, but this is the most reasonable. If you encounter an unreliable agency, they have not worked at Amazon. They I do n’t know the rules of Amazon. They are not professional. For the sake of convenience, they directly give you the product link for you to buy. This will cause your account to be at risk, so pls use keywords to search for products.

  • Take your time, when you buy something. Amazon knows exactly, what you do, so watch every photo, read the description, add it to your cart and watch other products, which appear, when you search for those keywords. After that, you come back and buy it, maybe with other products together.Take about 5 minutes .After receiving the product, do not write a review immediately, you should use the product for a period of time, it is best to post your review 5-7 days after you receive the product

The way get product to review :

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